Following from my own poem, I thought about what other people in similar situations may have been through. Not only did I look into the aggression side of things, but I also took an interest in feminism, and the ideal woman.
The poem below, sums up the pressures to look a certain way and to fit in with generic gender stereotypes. It touches upon the effects that societies pressure can have on people, and encourages us to break out of the mould and be different.
“Love the color (sic) pink
Always wear dresses and skirts
Be small and take up as little space as possible
Speak only in soft genital tones
Grow your hair long and wear it down
Paint your nails
Always shave your legs and arm pits
And cover your neck
Always blend and never draw attention to yourself
But Why?
Because you can’t give anyone reason to doubt you
You must drench yourself in femininity
Strip away all masculinity
Otherwise, no one will believe you’re a woman.
Woman I already am, and if anyone misgenders (sic) me, I will correct them, as anyone else would.
But you are not a cis woman, and you will never have that privilege
You are trans, so you only have that right if you prove your femininity
For you if you are not feminine you will not pass,
and if you do not pass then you are not a woman
Because you are only a woman if others perceive you to be.
Well one thing is for sure then
I do not “pass”!
For to pass is to mislead
To pass is to deceive
No I do not “pass” as female, I am female!
For I have nothing to prove to either myself or to the world.
So take your fear elsewhere
For I have words to say
And I will not be silenced by your fear
For, I will wear flannels with high heels.
Floral dress and black combat boots
I will kiss girls in public
I will let my expression flow unbound by your “masculinity” or “femininity”
And female I will always remain
For gender fluidity is not a cisgender privilege
But a right I will not be denied”
(Spencer, 2012)
Most of this poem would not relate to the topic first hand, however certain lines stand out. The opening section reminds me of a ‘quick fire response’ if you were asking the public to define a woman. Potentially I would like this section to be voice recorded and over lapped in order to create a montage effect.
Spencer, A. (2012) Not Passing. Hello Poetry. Available from [accessed 28th April 2017].